Many people ask me how I got started doing what I’m doing and they story always ends up with me telling them how I took the leap of faith and dropped out of college to build my business and be able to work on it full time. This is scary for a lot of people, and I had no clue that things would work out when I made my decision, but I knew a few things that I wanted out of life and following the “right thing to do” path was not going to allow me to do those things, or at least not right away. Since making that decision I have done things I could have never dreamed about doing before, met some amazing people and most importantly I am my own boss.

Having Drinks On the 96th Floor Of The John Hancock Center

How Working in an Office Has Made Me More Productive

Seeing How A Graphics Card Is Made In Dongguan, China

Tips On Covering The Consumer Electronics Show In Las Vegas

Things I’ve Learned Running a Digital Agency For a Year

The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned In The Past 32 Years
my favorite posts...maybe check one out? |
Stand Out with Your Own Personal Brand
I’ve always been a big proponent of having a personal brand. In plain terms your personal brand is what people know you for. Think about that for a second, what are you known for? I would assume when people think about me they know I’m the guy who runs ThinkComputers, takes photos of what he eats and maybe even a guy who gives good advice about running an online business. There are many platforms for building your own personal brand, which we will get into in a second, but why should you waste time building your personal brand?
Being an Entrepreneur and Having a Relationship
Last week I came across a great article at Elite Daily entitled “Why It Is Impossible For Entrepreneurs To Have Girlfriends” and after reading it, it really stuck a cord with me because I have been in many relationships that ended up not working out because “I was working too much”.
Let’s Get Back to Blogging!
I always say this, but damn I haven’t blogged in awhile! Each time I make some excuse like being busy, working on other projects, etc. There really should not be an excuse. This blog is a…
My First Quarterly Shipment
Just this week I received my first Quarterly Co shipment. Quarterly is a great startup that will send you physical items from people that you subscribe to. I’m sure you’ve heard of some of these services…
Gordon Ramsay Steak Las Vegas
If you noticed earlier in the year I did not talk about my annual trip to Las Vegas. I was so busy I really did not get around to talking about it. Of course like I…
Building an Engaging Facebook Community
Facebook is one of the best places to build a community and help promote your brand and your website or blog. To be honest for a while I was very lazy when it came to Facebook…
Work and Getting Things Done…
Hey blog! It’s been a while! It really has and I really need to get back into blogging. At the end of the day it is good to sit down and let the words flow out….
A Busy Start to 2013
I never really expeted 2013 to be as busy as it has been, but overall it is not a bad thing. As you may have noticed I have not updated this blog in over a month!…
Wicked Spoon at The Cosmopolitan
The Cosmopolitan is slowly becoming one of my favorite hotels in Las Vegas. When you walk in it has that cool feel, some of my best nights in Vegas have started at The Chandelier and Marquee…
The CES 2013 Swag
Ah swag, you know the free stuff you get for attending conferences and events. I make this post every year after CES and I usually end up coming home with something cool. Out of all the…
Why I attend Trade Shows and Conferences
Well it is that time of year again! Tomorrow morning I will be jumping on a plane to head to Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). If you are going to CES make sure…
Looking Towards 2013…
Well today is the last day of 2012. Can you believe how fast this year has gone by? At the end of 2011 I told myself I really needed to concentrate on my business and work…
A Guide to Surviving the Consumer Electronics Show
As the year comes to an end that means the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is right around the corner. I’ve been going to CES since 2006 and I have learned quite a lot since that first…
25 Things I’m Thankful for in 2012
With 2012 winding down I have been taking a look back on the year and I have realized I really do have a lot to be thankful for. I’ve had some great experiences, met some amazing…