Why I Decided to Live By My Own Rules and How You Can Too

Many people ask me how I got started doing what I’m doing and they story always ends up with me telling them how I took the leap of faith and dropped out of college to build my business and be able to work on it full time. This is scary for a lot of people, and I had no clue that things would work out when I made my decision, but I knew a few things that I wanted out of life and following the “right thing to do” path was not going to allow me to do those things, or at least not right away. Since making that decision I have done things I could have never dreamed about doing before, met some amazing people and most importantly I am my own boss.

Stand Out with Your Own Personal Brand

I’ve always been a big proponent of having a personal brand. In plain terms your personal brand is what people know you for. Think about that for a second, what are you known for? I would assume when people think about me they know I’m the guy who runs ThinkComputers, takes photos of what he eats and maybe even a guy who gives good advice about running an online business. There are many platforms for building your own personal brand, which we will get into in a second, but why should you waste time building your personal brand?