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How Working in an Office Has Made Me More Productive

I’ve been working from home for the longest time. I think one of the best things about what I do that I have he ability to work from home, a coffee shop, panera, etc. This gives me quite a lot of freedom and sometimes you just don’t want to be around people. Working from home does have its downsides though. I think over time that I’ve worked from home I developed some bad habits.

Seeing How A Graphics Card Is Made In Dongguan, China

So I had told you guys that I was in Hong Kong for the first time. Going to Hong Kong was actually part of a trip put on by Zotac. We work with Zotac at ThinkComputers and they make a variety of computer products, but are mainly known for graphics cards. They were celebrating their 10th Anniversary and while most of the events were in Hong Kong, they set up a factory tour for us to see how their products are actually made.

Tips On Covering The Consumer Electronics Show In Las Vegas

It’s been about a week since I’ve got back from Las Vegas and the Consumer Electronics show. What a crazy week it was! You can check out all of the ThinkComputers coverage here. Back in 2015 I wrote my Guide To Surviving CES as a Journalist post and I still feel that many of my suggestions there reign true. After this year I have a few more tips to add to the list!

Getting Organized With Google Calendar & Prioritab

When you are running your own business one thing you always struggle with is staying organized and productive. At a normal job you are told what to do or are given your tasks to complete, whereas when you are running your own business you know what you need to get done, but it is up to you when and if you do them. I have used so many different productivity tools over the years, but it seems I have settled on two which really get the job done for me. They are Google Calendar and Prioritab.

Things I’ve Learned Running a Digital Agency For a Year

So it has been about a year since I started Look Social. If you did not know Look Social is a full service digital agency that does logo design, web design, social media management, internet marketing and much more. It has been an interesting year starting the company and more and less learning as I go. With ThinkComputers I really never dealt with customers, made up contracts, etc. So there was a lot of learning and I sure have made some mistakes, but that is of course how you learn. Here are some of the biggest things I’ve learned over the past year.