Apparently on the west coast Tiki Bars are a big thing, especially hidden Tiki Bars! When I was in San Diego I was taken to one such hidden tiki bar and it was quite a memorial experience.

Having Drinks On the 96th Floor Of The John Hancock Center

How Working in an Office Has Made Me More Productive

Seeing How A Graphics Card Is Made In Dongguan, China

Tips On Covering The Consumer Electronics Show In Las Vegas

Things I’ve Learned Running a Digital Agency For a Year

The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned In The Past 32 Years
my favorite posts...maybe check one out? |
Possibly The Best Ramen Of My Life At Strings Ramen
If you follow me on Instagram you know one thing about me, I love Ramen! I usually make a few trips to Ramen Bar a month. Well when I was in Chicago I wanted to check out at least one of the Ramen shop there. After doing some research it seemed that many people were raving about Strings Ramen.
Another Amazing Summer
It seems that once it starts getting colder here in Pittsburgh I get back to blogging. Summer is finally over and I have to say that past summer was such a blast. And like any summer I’ve grown, learned new things, and most importantly learned a lot about myself.
Having Drinks On the 96th Floor Of The John Hancock Center
When I was in Chicago one of the things that I wanted to do was see the city from one of the tallest skyscrapers there. The tallest building in the city is the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears tower), but all I read was it was a tourist trap. Next is the Trump International and the Aon Center, both of which do not have observation decks. That brings us to the John Hancock Center, which is where I ended up.
The Primehouse Experience
While in Chicago I definitely wanted to check out a steakhouse, and believe me there is no shortage of great steakhouses in Chicago. After doing some research Primehouse ended up being my choice. It was named “#1 Steakhouse in Chicago” by Chicago magazine in 2013 and is known for its dry-aged steaks.
Exploring Chicago…
The other week I had the chance to visit Chicago. I had only been to Chicago once before when I was younger with my Dad, but we were never really in the city. So this technically is my first time visiting Chicago. I love big cities and I consider Chicago one of the big metropolis-type cities in the US. The others that I have visited would be New York and San Francisco.
Staying At The Mira Hong Kong
Back when I went on my trip to Hong Kong I had a chance to stay at The Mira. I was actually really impressed with the hotel and I had meant to write about it, but you know how that goes! The Mira is located in Hong Kong’s popular Tsim Sha Tsui area. This area is great for shopping, exploring, and you are just a few blocks from the famous Victoria Harbor.
How Working in an Office Has Made Me More Productive
I’ve been working from home for the longest time. I think one of the best things about what I do that I have he ability to work from home, a coffee shop, panera, etc. This gives me quite a lot of freedom and sometimes you just don’t want to be around people. Working from home does have its downsides though. I think over time that I’ve worked from home I developed some bad habits.
Seeing How A Graphics Card Is Made In Dongguan, China
So I had told you guys that I was in Hong Kong for the first time. Going to Hong Kong was actually part of a trip put on by Zotac. We work with Zotac at ThinkComputers and they make a variety of computer products, but are mainly known for graphics cards. They were celebrating their 10th Anniversary and while most of the events were in Hong Kong, they set up a factory tour for us to see how their products are actually made.
Tips On Covering The Consumer Electronics Show In Las Vegas
It’s been about a week since I’ve got back from Las Vegas and the Consumer Electronics show. What a crazy week it was! You can check out all of the ThinkComputers coverage here. Back in 2015 I wrote my Guide To Surviving CES as a Journalist post and I still feel that many of my suggestions there reign true. After this year I have a few more tips to add to the list!
My First Time In Hong Kong!
At the end of October I had the pleasure of going to Hong Kong. While this might not be a big deal to some, many people rarely get to leave the states so I was excited when I found out I would be going on the trip. The reason I was there was that Zotac, a company who works with ThinkComputers was celebrating their 10th Anniversary and they invited select US media over to celebrate and do a factory tour.
Kayaking The Colorado River & Arizona Hot Springs
Wow 2016 is almost over and I have a ton of posts to finish up here on the blog! It seems like this time of year I am the busiest, which leaves little time for blogging. Anyways back to the end of summer! I took a trip out to Vegas to visit my long time friend Johnathan. This way not your typical Vegas trip, we actually really did not party at all, but we did some adventuring. We decided to Kayak the Colorado river!
The Summersville Trip
Ok! Ok! I know I need to wrap up these posts I’ve been meaning to write since summer! Let’s go back to the middle of August when a group of us went down to Summersville, West Virginia! This was sort of a last minute trip I went on with my Gabe, Jess, and Mel. It was actually my first time ever going to Summersville and man did we have a blast, even though we were only there for a day and a half! Check out the video I made which kind of showcases what were were up to.
Suggested Plugins for Designing in WordPress
Wordpress has to be the most popular platforms out there when it comes to websites. All of the sites I own run on Wordpress and most of the sites I design at Look Social are also run on Wordpress. Working in Wordpress is quite easy, but there are a few plugins that can make it even easier, especially if you are designing a website.
My First Time Visiting Napa
More recapping of my summer! Back at the end of June I went on a really cool business trip out to Napa, California. Now for me Napa is not exactly a place a would normally go, I am not really into wine at all, but a company we work with over at ThinkComputers was having an event so I decided to go out. Since this was a tech event I got to hang out with my friend Michael, who was there representing MegaTechNews. Napa is of course known for wine, it is about an hour north of San Francisco.