Seriously is it already December? Only 1 blog post last month…I am definitely not that happy about that. So what’s the deal? Well to put it simply I have been overworked, stressed and just plain busy….

Having Drinks On the 96th Floor Of The John Hancock Center

How Working in an Office Has Made Me More Productive

Seeing How A Graphics Card Is Made In Dongguan, China

Tips On Covering The Consumer Electronics Show In Las Vegas

Things I’ve Learned Running a Digital Agency For a Year

The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned In The Past 32 Years
my favorite posts...maybe check one out? |
So You Think it is Easy to Run an Online Business?
It’s crazy to think I have been running ThinkComputers for 10 years, but I have. Over this time many people have said to me, “man your job must be easy”. At the same time just as…
How To Get All Your Work Done In 2 Hours A Day
Most people think of work as an all day affair. That is what we are programmed to think and what most people do. They go to work in the morning, work all day and come home…
A Change is Needed….
You know for quite a while now I have been doing the same thing day after day. Yes I do have the freedom to work from a coffee shop or Panera, I am my own boss,…
Turning my Desk into a Standing Desk!
As I’ve gotten older it seems I have been exercising and working out less and less. This is never good and teamed with sitting down most of the day as I work it is definitely not…
Pages Back and About Me Updated!
One thing I did not notice when I updated the blog to this theme back in January was that the pages sort of disappeared! They were actually set by default to a “Page” template that I…
A Week Vacation – Was it Worth It?
You know it is not often I go on vacations, something I want to change very, very soon, but when it comes to going on vacations many people make up excuses for reasons they cannot go….
Dinner at the Salty Dog Cafe
One place Adam told us we had to check out while in Hilton Head was the Salty Dog Cafe. It is located in an area called South Beach in the Sea Pines Plantation. South Beach sits…
Biking Around Palmetto Dunes
The area where we stayed in Hilton Head was called Palmetto Dunes. Actually most of the island is separated into these little communities. Inside of Palmetto Dunes are many different resorts, condos and homes. One thing…
Beer Dinner at Giuseppi’s
A couple of days into the trip Adam and Tim came back with a flyer for Giuseppi’s Pizza which advertised a “Beer Dinner”. Just hearing the name Beer Dinner I was interested, but we came to…
The Beach Routine
Being at the beach but still having a full work load can be quite stressful. You don’t want to be spending most of your day inside on your laptop working and missing out on the best…
Late Dinner at Truffles Cafe
Our first night on the island we were totally beat. All of us drove down from Pittsburgh and had been up for quite a while. We all passed out for a few hours and when we…
Spending a week at Hilton Head Island
If you follow me on twitter you know I am in Hilton Head Island, SC. I have actually been planning this trip for a few months with my friend Adam. September is actually the perfect time…
Shooting the Sunset from the Hot Metal Bridge
As many of you know photography is a hobby of mine. I am no pro photographer, but I do enjoy shooting different things. One thing I’ve always wanted to shoot was the view down into the…
A Front Page Update to ThinkComputers
This year I have really been putting a lot of work into ThinkComputers. We are now doing video reviews and unboxings, we have community forums, a weekly newsletter and much more. One thing we never really…