Well as many of you know I was in Las Vegas for CES, but also Affiliate Summit West was going on towards the end of our stay in Vegas. I debated on whether to attend the…

Having Drinks On the 96th Floor Of The John Hancock Center

How Working in an Office Has Made Me More Productive

Seeing How A Graphics Card Is Made In Dongguan, China

Tips On Covering The Consumer Electronics Show In Las Vegas

Things I’ve Learned Running a Digital Agency For a Year

The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned In The Past 32 Years
my favorite posts...maybe check one out? |
The CES 2009 Swag
If there is one thing you always walk away with from any trade show it is swag, free goodies that companies give away when you come to their booth to look at their products. Looking back…
The Night Before CES Party
One thing that is always great about CES is the parties. Every year that I’ve gone to CES I’ve attended the night before CES party. This year it was hosted by Redux, Futurelooks, and Techware Labs….
2009 PC Race for Charity
Every year at CES I make it a point to make it to the Tiger Direct PC Race for Charity. Mainly because it is good to do something for charity and it has some of the…
Finally Back From Vegas
Wow what an amazing week I’ve just had. If you didn’t know I was in Vegas for the Consumer Electronics show. I love going to CES, not just for the show, but to just get away….
December Thoughts
December was crazy for me! It was crazy busy with reviews at ThinkComputers and just the holidays. Also a lot of my friends were home from school so I took some time out to see all…
Heading to Vegas for CES
Well it is almost the end of the year that means CES is coming up! The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is North America’s largest trade show and is usually the second week of January each year,…
Pixelpipe iPhone App
Well since the Pano iPhone App did so well and I got a lot of feedback on it I decided to post about another iPhone App that is quite handy. My buddy Colin told me about…
ThinkComputers 900th Review
Well yesterday was another milestone for ThinkComputers, we posted our 900th review! The review was of the Thermaltake Spinq CPU cooler. I can’t believe that since 2002 we have reviewed 900 products! That is sure a…
Do it Yourself, with some help from the Internet
I love the entrepreneur spirit, doing things yourself the way you want to do it. I have been thinking lately about people who have really made a name for themselves, using social networks and the internet….
ThinkComputers 2008 Budget Holiday Gift Guide
Well usually around this time of the year I am pumping out buyers guides for all different types of things. I really like doing the price is no object guides, but those buyers guides really don’t…
Pano iPhone App
Since FINALLY upgrading my phone to the 2.0 software I have been checking out a lot of the apps in the app store. Not only free ones, but paid ones as well. Although I had my…
Toys for Tots Raffle and Fundraiser
Well it is that time of year again, the holidays. Every holiday season many people and organizations try to do something to help the needy. This year our friends over at TheTechLounge are doing something that…
New Setup!
You would think that my computer changes all the time, but it really does not. My main (work) computer relatively stays the same and I used 2 other test machines to test out computer hardware. I…
November Thoughts
Well November was once again another slow blogging month for me. Once again it is because of ThinkComputers, it is the holiday season so we are pumping out reviews like crazy. Also I have been working…