I have been using Twitter for quite some time now and I really did not find out its potential until a few months ago. Many people think that Twitter is just for seeing what your friends are up to or in my case seeing what I’m having to eat, but it is really a useful resource for tracking current events and things that are going on right this minute. This is really where you see the power of Twitter and why hashtags are extremely useful.

Having Drinks On the 96th Floor Of The John Hancock Center

How Working in an Office Has Made Me More Productive

Seeing How A Graphics Card Is Made In Dongguan, China

Tips On Covering The Consumer Electronics Show In Las Vegas

Things I’ve Learned Running a Digital Agency For a Year

The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned In The Past 32 Years
my favorite posts...maybe check one out? |
My 2009 Year in Review
Wow it’s 2010! Not only a new year, but a new decade! This past year was a very good year for me, there were all kinds of ups, downs, and in between’s. If you have a blog you know how great it is that you are able to look back on things you have done and be able to see the good times, reflect on your mistakes, and just remember some things you may have forgot. So here is my 2009 year in review, hope you all enjoy it!
bit.ly and Why I Use It
If you have not heard of bit.ly I’m sure you have seen a bit.ly link around somewhere. Bit.ly is a URL shortening service that allows you to take large URL like this: http://www.thinkcomputers.org/kingston-mobilelite-g2-usb-card-reader-with-8gb-sdhc-card-review/ and turn it…
ThinkComputers now on WordPress!
You notice I have not updated this blog in quite sometime. That is because over the past 2 months I have been working on ThinkComputers like a mad man! ThinkComputers has been run on a flat-file…
October 2009 Thoughts
Wow what a crazy month it has been! First you may have noticed I have not updated this blog in a over a MONTH! That is way to long without an update! There is a good…
Old Media Using New Media
When I was registering for PodCamp Pittsburgh 4 I noticed that 96.1’s Morning Freak Show hosts Mikey and Big Bob were leading a session called, “We Do a Radio Show … But Not Really”. I listen…
Schenley Plaza
As most of you know I moved to Shadyside not that long ago. Since moving I’ve been discovering new places and things. One of the places I’ve been spending a lot of time lately is Schenley…
SEO 101 with Jami Broom
While at PodCamp Pittsburgh 4 this past weekend I was able to attend Jami Broom’s session on SEO for WordPress. Jami is an Internet Marketing Strategist at ClicksToMySite.com. I already know a lot about SEO, but…
A Few Blog Changes
If you come to this blog often you know that I don’t change things up that much. Well finally I made a few changes, some of the stuff I’ve been meaning to do for a while…
PodCamp Pittsburgh 4
This past weekend I spend Saturday and Sunday at the Art Institute downtown. Well what was I doing down there? I was at PodCamp! PodCamp is a free conference that has been put together to help…
The 2009 Pittsburgh Penguins
I really does not seem that long ago that I was celebrating the Pens winning Game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals and going downtown for the City of Champions parade. It was sure a short…
Image is Everything
I’m writing this blog post because something interesting happened this past week when I was grocery shopping. I was at Walmart walking down the snack isle looking for some stuff and I walked by a large…
September 2009 Thoughts
Another month has gone by and as always it went very, very fast. This month was more like a chill month I didn’t get as much work done as I would have liked to, but I…
1 Sale a Day
If you are anything like me you love finding a great deal online. I’m sure by now if you shop online you know about woot.com and I already talked about HoopStick, which is currently no longer…
My G20 Experience
If you are a Pittsburgh resident you knew that the G20 summit was here last week. If you are not a Pittsburgh resident the G20 summit was a meeting between a group of finance ministers and…