If you are from Pittsburgh then there is probably a chance you have heard of Wiz Khalifa. He is a local rapper from the area and one of the only one’s that has received national airplay and in my opinion is one of most talented artist from this area. You may have heard his single…
Some Awesome Sights from the Penthouse
It’s only been about a month since I moved into the Penthouse and I’ve been able to catch quite a few really cool things. Since we are on the 23rd floor and above everything around us if there is anything going on we can get a food view of it. The first cool thing we…
Connecting with People in Your Area
One thing that I’ve always stressed to people when going to conferences is that you should always meet new people and network. I have met some great business partners and good friends at conferences and I would have never met them if I didn’t take the initiative and go up to them and introduce myself….
Easy Ways to Bring People Back to Your Website
One thing that I end up doing a lot is going to a website and really liking the content, but then totally forgetting about the website and never being able to find it again. While this is annoying to me, it can’t be a good thing for the site owner. With any website I’ve ever…
How to Turn Your Hobby Into a Business
If you have been reading this blog for a while you probably know that before I was running ThinkComputers full time it was just a hobby. I feel very fortunate that I was able to take a hobby and turn it into a full time job. It’s not often that many people get to do what they love for a living. I’m not sure if I would call myself lucky, because it did take a lot work to get where I am but I guess I feel lucky that my job really does not feel like a real job. The thing is anyone can really do what I do, and anyone can turn their hobby into a business. The thing is, it just takes WORK! I worked on ThinkComputers just for fun, without making any money for almost 4 years before I learned I could make money with it! Here are some tips that should help you turn your hobby into a business.
Pittsburgh’s Schenley Park

The other day I went for a walk in Schenley Park and realized that I had taken photos there last fall and never put them up! I actually meant to do a whole blog post on the park but I never happened so here it is now! If you live in Pittsburgh there is a good chance you have been to Schenley Park or at least have heard about it. I had heard about it before I moved into the city, but never actually went to it till last fall. One thing that I’ve learned about living in the city is that there are actually a lot of parks located in the city, which is really nice for people that live in the city. That way we don’t have to drive 30 minutes out of the city to feel like we are out of the city in a nice park.
How to Work Less and Get Out More!
Let’s face it working from home isn’t the easiest thing. Some people may think it is, but remember you are your own boss, you are the person that has to push yourself to work etc. It seems every few months or so I get in some sort of funk where I am working myself to death, I am stressed all the time and I am not very happy. I guess most people would call this burning out. It’s not really a good feeling and it is a hard thing to come back from. I’ve always have done things to help myself from not burning out, say take a day and work from a coffee shop or something similar. This works in the short term, but it is not a solution. Recently I have been reading The 4-Hour Workweek and I really dawned upon me I need to get out more, not just for work, but for fun.
Why Are You Not On Foursquare!
If you haven’t heard of foursquare by now you should have! Foursquare is a location-based social networking site. I have actually been using location-based social networking sites for a while now. I first started with Brightkite, which was a service where I could check in places and share my location with people. Foursquare is much the same thing except they have added a sort of game aspect to it by giving you points for checking in places and awarding badges for doing certain things.
Adagio Tea’s IngenuiTEA

[ad#right]Since first getting into tea I have really come to enjoy it! I’ve tried so many different types of tea’s and been to quite a few tea stores here in Pittsburgh. If you live in Pittsburgh I would suggest you check out the Teavana store in Ross Park Mall, it is a great place if you don’t know that much about tea. Anyways when I first started brewing my own tea I used the Adagio Glass Mug and Infuser, which worked really well, but was a pain to clean. So I was looking around for other options and I came across the IngenuiTEA teapot
Rethinking 2010
This year started off just like every year with the trip to Vegas for CES. That trip is a great way to start the year and gives me great motivation, but this year I didn’t seem as motivated from it. I’m really not sure why but starting in February I really started to ask myself the question, What am I doing with my life? I know running ThinkComputers is a full time job, but it just seemed like I could be doing more with my life. As I said before I started watching the Random Show and because of that I decided to pick up Tim Ferris’s book The Four Hour Work Week. Wow I’m not even half way through the book and I’ve had a total different outlook on life. So I’ve decided to rethink 2010 and here are some of my plans.
Things I Hate About Pittsburgh
[ad#right]Well if you didn’t know I’ve been living in Pittsburgh all my life. I’ve live in the suburbs most of my life but I moved closer into the city about a year ago. You really learn a lot about a city when you live in it. I’ve learned even more since living closer to the…
A Look at the New Office
Working from home running your own company is hard to do that job when you are not very comfortable sitting at your computer every day. If you didn’t know I am in Pittsburgh, PA and I run my websites out of my house. I have turned the extra bedroom into an office for. When I first moved in I had the room setup a completely different way than what it is now. Originally I had the 2 desks separated, one in each corner of the room. This really did not work at all, things just became too cramped and my desk was really cluttered. Mainly because I had my 4 external drives on the desk, which was not the best idea. Below is a photo of what my old desk looked like.
4 Time Management Tips

When you are working, especially when you are working for yourself and at home time management is very important! Bad time management can really make productivity go down. Many times when my time management isn’t that good it seems like I never get anything done. This can be very frustrating going day after day feeling like I’ve accomplished nothing! This usually isn’t the case because I have implemented a few simple things that really help me with time management. So what are they?
Things I Love About Pittsburgh

Well if you didn’t know I’ve been living in Pittsburgh all my life. I’ve live in the suburbs most of my life but I moved closer into the city about a year ago. You really learn a lot about a city when you live in it. I’ve learned even more since living closer to the city and going out more. I originally got the idea for this post from Michael Kwan who did 2 posts about the things he likes and dislikes about Vancouver. So I figured I know a lot about Pittsburgh I should let you know the things I like and dislike about Pittsburgh. This post is the things I love about Pittsburgh, but believe me there are things I dislike so stay tuned for that post as well!
Super Bowl Ads 2010
I’m not a huge football fan, especially when the Steelers are not playing, but I did watch the Super Bowl this year. The Reason? The ads of course! Before we get into that congrats to the Saints for pulling out the 31-17 victory over the Colts, the onside kick to start the 2nd half was brilliant. According to the Super Bowl XLIV Wikipedia page the broadcast had a US audience of 106.5 million viewers and scored a Nielsen rating of 46.4 with a 68 share, the highest for a Super Bowl since Super Bowl XX in 1986.