A few weeks ago I kept on hearing about this site called Empire Avenue, then people kept on tweeting about it so I had to check it out. Empire Avenue is basically an online stock market simulation, but you are not investing in companies, but people. How it works is that you create an account…
A Great Memorial Day Weekend!
Memorial day weekend is a huge deal here in Pittsburgh. It really marks the start of summer and the weather is usually great. For this reason many people have cookout’s and there is always so much do to around the city. For the past 5 years Faded Industry has held the white party. Just like…
Pho Thai Nam
If you have been reading this blog for any period of time or you read my tweets you know I’m a huge fan of Pho. Pho is Vietnamese beef noodle soup and over the past few years has become one of my favorite foods. This past weekend I was in Philly for theGXL and it…
Pho Van
One of my favorite types of food has to be Vietnamese food, more specifically Pho. Living in Pittsburgh there really is not a large selection of places to get Pho. I’ve already told you about Pho Minh, Vietnam’s Pho and Lulu’s Noodles. Well there is a new Pho place is town called Pho Van! I…
Using Twitter Search to Start a Conversation
By now you have probably have heard all of the hype about Twitter. Everyone uses Twitter these days, it is sort of stupid to not use twitter if you have a company or brand. You cannot just setup a twitter account and post updates and expect to get a ton of followers and people interested…
Check out Mac Miller!
As most of you know I’m from Pittsburgh and I try to support as many things from Pittsburgh as I can. I wrote about Wiz Khalifa a little while ago and surprisingly I’m talking about another rapper from Pittsburgh, who in my opinion is very good, especially for his age. At only 19 he has…
My Social Media Update 2011
So it is 2011, with all of these new social media sites springing up where can you find me? I honestly have been using the same sites for quite a long time, but if you don’t know where to find me in 2011 here are some links… Twitter FaceBook Flickr YouTube (mainly ThinkComputers videos) FriendFeed…
I Hate My Roommate Gets a Facelift
It has been a little less than a year since I launched I Hate My Roommate with my friend Jack. The layout we had before was very simple and we only really put the site up as something fun and considering my current roommate situation at the time. The site has got some traction and…
AWESOME Offices – Selgas Cano Architecture
Having a great office is important for any type of business. You want your employees to be comfortable, which makes for a better work experience for them and increased productivity for you. My home office is pretty organized and some would call it cool, some of the offices I’ve discovered are just AWESOME! Today’s AWESOME…
Super Bowl Ads 2011
Well if you didn’t know already the Steelers lost in this year’s super bowl by a score of 31 to 25. It was a good game for sure and great to see Pittsburgh in it, but like most people I watch the Super Bowl for the commercials. With an average US audience of 111 million…
Steelers Headed to the Super Bowl!
If you have read this blog for any extended period of time you know I’m a huge hockey fan. That being said I’ve always enjoyed football and being from Pittsburgh you know my favorite team has to be the Steelers. It’s like a sin to be from Pittsburgh and not be a Steelers fan. If…
The CES 2011 Parties
One of the best things about going to CES is the parties. Many companies throw parties to bring people together to promote their brand, but also to have fun. CES parties are a great way to network and meet new people because it is not often that you will be in the same room with…
The CES 2011 Swag Haul
Each year at CES I am bombarded with a ton of swag, things companies give out to you when you visit their booth or meet with them. This year was no different, I came home with a ton of extra things I did not come to Vegas with. First let’s talk about the CES press…
It’s 2011 Where has Bob Been?
I can’t believe it is 2011 already! It seems like 2010 went by so fast! As you may have noticed this is my first post in quite some time. I really do enjoy blogging, but a lot has happened in the past few month that has really kept me quite busy and at the end…
The iPhone 4 So Far…
If you didn’t know a few week ago I went out and purchased an iPhone 4. My 3G was getting really slow and I figured I could sell my 3G for about as much as I was going to spend on the new phone so I went and got the new iPhone 4. Since getting…