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Getting Organized With Google Calendar & Prioritab

When you are running your own business one thing you always struggle with is staying organized and productive. At a normal job you are told what to do or are given your tasks to complete, whereas when you are running your own business you know what you need to get done, but it is up to you when and if you do them. I have used so many different productivity tools over the years, but it seems I have settled on two which really get the job done for me. They are Google Calendar and Prioritab.

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Things I’ve Learned Running a Digital Agency For a Year

So it has been about a year since I started Look Social. If you did not know Look Social is a full service digital agency that does logo design, web design, social media management, internet marketing and much more. It has been an interesting year starting the company and more and less learning as I go. With ThinkComputers I really never dealt with customers, made up contracts, etc. So there was a lot of learning and I sure have made some mistakes, but that is of course how you learn. Here are some of the biggest things I’ve learned over the past year.

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Welcome To The New BobBuskirk.com

If you haven’t noticed I’ve given the blog a little face-lift! While I really loved my previous design, I had been using it for a very long time and it just seemed dated. I also wanted something with a little more functionality and worked better with social media sharing. So what you see now is the new layout and I am very happy with it!

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I Actually Took A Real Vacation…

This past weekend I took a trip down to Naples, Florida to hang out with some friends. While I’ve been on many trips over the past few years they were never really vacations because I always ended up working. It is not that often I take a day off, I guess its the entrepreneur lifestyle. There is always something you…

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The Three Bedroom Suite At Elara

Our Las Vegas Suite tradition continues! Each year at the end of a crazy and busy week covering CES the ThinkComputers crew stays in a pretty cool suite. This gives the crew a real chance to relax and just kick back. If you can remember we started with the 2 Bedroom Hospitality Suite at Vdara and then tried the The…

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Covering CES 2016…

If you follow me on social media then you know this past week I was in Vegas for CES 2016. The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is the largest trade show in North America and it is where tech companies show off their latest products. I of course was covering the event for ThinkComputers. Covering the event can be sort of…

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How You Can Spot Fake Internet “Guru’s”

Ever since the internet was started there have been people out there ripping people off and today it is no different. Sadly, because of this when I tell people I make a living online they think I am doing some type of shady marketing or something like that. The truth is I am living proof that you can make a…

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A Summer On The Water

As it gets into Fall and Winter I am finally going to start trying to have a regular blog schedule. So expect a lot more blogging about what I have going on, business, and more in the coming months. This post is something I have been wanting to write for a while because the past two summers have been unlike…


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The #TIM09 Shipment from Quarterly

Another Quarterly shipment arrived a couple of weeks ago! This is the 9th Quarterly shipment from Tim Ferriss or #TIM09. I have been subscribed to Quarterly since Tim’s second box. Quarterly is a little different from the typical monthly subscription boxes. First it is every quarter and secondly you pick a curator. The curator then picks the items that are…

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What a BUSY Summer Its Been!

You know I always say I want to keep up with my blog, but it does not always happen that way! It is the middle of August and I haven’t had a new post since the beginning of June. So what have I been up to? I have been extremely busy, but that is actually a good thing. I love…

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WordPress 101: Plugins & Themes

Welcome to my second post in a series I am calling WordPress 101. In my first post I went over why to choose WordPress. Now I had thought about doing a post on how to install WordPress, but they have that covered quite well already. Also many hosting companies like BlueHost offer 1-click installs for WordPress. So with that we…

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Using Your Facebook Page Effectively

Social Media has really transformed how we market our content, products and services online. Many companies have full-time social media managers and entire social media divisions so it is a real thing and can generate traffic to your website and even better generate revenue. Over the past few years it has been increasingly harder to get your content in front of people on all social media, especially on Facebook. I shouldn’t have to tell you that you should have a Facebook page for your business and I’ve already shown you how to build an engaging Facebook community. What I’m here to do today is to show you have to effectively use your Facebook page. Facebook actually gives you many tools to do this. So let’s get started.

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WordPress 101: Why Choose WordPress

Wordpress is quite known by now. If you don’t know what Wordpress is it is powering this blog! It is a content management system that was first released in 2003 and makes it extremely easy for anyone to start a website, manage content and more. Many of my previous websites were made using flat file systems or were hand-coded and that just takes a lot of time! Now every one of my websites are based off of Wordpress! So why should you use Wordpress? Here are a few reasons…

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Tools & Services I Use to run my Business – 2015 Edition

I get asked over and over again about the different services and tools I use to run my business. So I’ve decided to compile a list of everything that I use and explain some things so you know what they are all about. All of this information will be on my new Resources page and that page will be updated…

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Welcome to my resources page! Here you will find the different tools and services I use to run my business! This page is ever-evolving and will be updated regularly. Websites & Online Services WordPress – All of my websites are powered by WordPress and it is an extremely easy to use platform. Traffic Planet Hosting – Traffic Planet Hosting is…