Well CES 2011 has come and gone and this year was a lot of fun! If you want to see all of the coverage check out this page over at ThinkComputers. CES is always a great way to start out the year. If you don’t know what CES is, it is the Consumer Electronics Show….
The iPhone 4 So Far…
If you didn’t know a few week ago I went out and purchased an iPhone 4. My 3G was getting really slow and I figured I could sell my 3G for about as much as I was going to spend on the new phone so I went and got the new iPhone 4. Since getting…
My iPhone 4 Buying Experience
Well I finally went out and got a new iPhone 4. My iPhone 3G has been getting slower and slower since I put the new iOS4 on it and it was just getting annoying so I went to my local Apple store to get the new phone. I went to the Apple Store at South…
ThinkComputers and Thermaltake Giveaway!
Well over at ThinkComputers we are having another contest on our forums. Our friends at Thermaltake have provided 3 great prizes: Armor A90 PC Case,Toughpower XT 775W Power Supply, and a FRIO CPU Cooler! The contest is pretty easy, here is how you can enter… 1. Thermaltake would like you to “Like” their Facebook Page 2….
1 Day Left in the CyberPower and ThinkComputers System Giveaway!
I should have really announced this sooner on the blog, but I guess I just have been busy! As you all know I own and run ThinkComputers and we are holding one of the best Giveaways ever! We are giving away an entire gaming computer! That’s right a full computer! The good people over at…
How to Make Big Money Bloggin!
I’ve known John Chow for quite some time now, even before he started blogging! After meeting him he showed me how to make money with ThinkComputers and ever since then I’ve been doing it as a full time job! He really knows a lot about making money online and how to do it the right…
The Website is Down – Sales Demolition
Back in 2008 I talked about the Website is Down video that was going around the internet. It was extremely funny, especially if you ever worked in IT or tech support before. After watching that video a few times I really never went back to the website, but the other day I thought of it and I went back to the website to see that they had 3 new videos. Each of them are pretty funny but their latest one Sales Demolition is extremely hilarious! You can check it out below…
Why Are You Not On Foursquare!
If you haven’t heard of foursquare by now you should have! Foursquare is a location-based social networking site. I have actually been using location-based social networking sites for a while now. I first started with Brightkite, which was a service where I could check in places and share my location with people. Foursquare is much the same thing except they have added a sort of game aspect to it by giving you points for checking in places and awarding badges for doing certain things.
A Look at the New Office
Working from home running your own company is hard to do that job when you are not very comfortable sitting at your computer every day. If you didn’t know I am in Pittsburgh, PA and I run my websites out of my house. I have turned the extra bedroom into an office for. When I first moved in I had the room setup a completely different way than what it is now. Originally I had the 2 desks separated, one in each corner of the room. This really did not work at all, things just became too cramped and my desk was really cluttered. Mainly because I had my 4 external drives on the desk, which was not the best idea. Below is a photo of what my old desk looked like.
Mentioned in the New York Times

Back in January I wrote an article on ThinkComputers about this year’s experience at CES, where companies were getting thrown out of hotels because they did not register with the CEA. I also reposted the article on this blog as I wanted to share my experience with all of the readers here. About a week after the article was posted I was contacted by the New York Times, they interviewed me for about 30 minutes about the article and my CES experience this year compared to last year. I was pretty cool being interviewed, I have only been interviewed 2 other times and it was by websites, not a big publication like the New York Times. Here is a quote from the article…
Backupify – Secure Your Online Life
I use many online services and I’m sure you do too. If you don’t think you do you probably at least have a Facebook account. So you put tons of photos on there, write long notes, get tagged in photos etc. What if for some reason Facebook crashed and you lost all of those images and other important things on Facebook? This is very unlikely to happen, but it is always good to have a backup of everything. This is where Backupify comes in. It’s a service that backs up many cloud services and for a limited time (till Jan 31st) the service is free.
Is CES Slowly Going Away?
I myself have been going to CES for 5 years now. For ThinkComputers it is really the highlight of the entire year, we really don’t attend any other trade shows. We get to see the latest technology, new products and catch up with old friends, not to mention getting to spend a week in Vegas. Something really stood out to me this year during CES…it was very small! Also this year CEA (the company that runs CES) tried to kick out many exhibitors who opted to use hotel rooms instead of paying for a booth.
Lenovo’s Blogger Nights
Another really cool event I was able to attend during CES this year was Lenovo’s Blogger Nights. This was a 3 day event hosted at AquaKnox at the Venetian. The entire event was hosted by Lenovo, but each night was co-hosted by someone else. Wednesday night was co-hosted by social media club, Thursday Night was co-hosted by Social Media Jungle and Friday night was co-hosted by GDGT. Because CES was so crazy we were only able to make it on the last night, which was Friday.
The 2010 PC Race For Charity
The PC Race is one of the best events to attend during CES. Not only is it for a good cause, but you really get to network with a lot of people and hell it has the best food! Also it’s probably the only place you will be able to find most of the tech media all in one place! So the way this event works is that 30 contestants all tech media see who can build a computer the quickest with the winner getting $10,000 towards the charity of their choice. Second and third place also get cash prizes for charity and everyone’s computer that gets built does get donated to their charity so it is a win-win!
The CES 2010 Swag
One thing that is great about going to conferences is all the free swag you get. Since I go to these events as media many companies have made up gift bags especially for media members. Another thing that I’ve also noticed is that the more established your site is the better swag you get! This year I really didn’t want to pick up that much swag mainly because I never really use half of it and it is a pain to pack in my suitcase, but I did get quite a few useful things this year.