During my trip to Vegas I made sure to see what DJ’s were going to be in town. There are always great DJ’s playing in Vegas and if the opportunity came up where I could see one I was not going to pass it up. The two big DJ’s that were playing in Vegas the Saturday night that we were there were Markus Schulz at Marquee and Sebastian Ingrosso at Light. As you may remember I saw Markus as part of New World Punx in November. But I love Marquee so the decision was made to see Markus.
It just so happened that my friend Ian flew into town that day for Affiliate Summit West and he ended up going to Marquee too!

It was great to be able to party with old friends like Ian, the guys who work for me and of course Markus Schulz! His set was great and we stayed all night long! To give you an idea of what it was like check out these videos I took below.
Markus is such a good DJ live, I would happily see him again anytime. Marquee is also one of my favorite clubs in Vegas so to see Markus there was just great!

Watching the videos now give me shivers it really was a special night and one of the best nights I’ve ever had in Vegas. It’s great to have the ability to experience events like this with friends!