Well this past weekend I turned 26. I guess I’m starting to get old! Saying I’m 26 now does seem a little weird but I’m ok with it. Last year when I turned 25 I talked about the past 5 years of my life and how it’s been such a great ride. The past year has also been a great ride!
It seems like so many people in my life are getting married, having kids etc., but honestly I haven’t really thought about that at all. Maybe because I have not found the right girl yet or just because I think I have so much more to do with my life before I settle down. Many people think that you should settle down around the time you turn 26, but I think I’m just getting started with things. There is so much I want to do and experience I’m not sure if I will settle down anytime soon.
I’ve lived 3 different places in the past year so that has been a little crazy. I hope I stay at this new place for a while, but my luck it will not work out that way. I always love new surroundings, but I would like to have a place I call home for more than a year.
The past year for ThinkComputers has been awesome! I finally moved the site over to WordPress, which has made work so much easier. ThinkComputers is still my main focus and I believe still will for quite some time. We’ve worked really hard on the site and I still believe there is a lot of work to do. I have neglected this blog a little bit, but as it gets closer to fall I hope to keep this blog updated at least once a week if not more!
When you are younger and you think about when you are going to be 26 you imagine you life completely figured out and you are happy. I know I am happy, but my life if far from figured out. I think that I’ve grown up a lot in the past year and started to realize some things that I never did before. I still have many goals that I have no yet attained and I hope to reach them very soon. I can’t wait to see what year 26 of my life will bring!