Quarterly #TIM05 Box

The #TIM05 Shipment from Quarterly

I talked about getting my first Quarterly shipment a little while ago, and now I am actually on my 4th shipment from Tim Ferris, the 5th one he has sent out through Quarterly. The reason I like Quarterly over all of those other box-per-month companies is that you are able to follow actual people. If you are following someone you are into you are more than likely going to enjoy the items inside the box.

One thing I really like about Tim’s Quarterly’s boxes is that they are always worth more than what you pay for them. Each box is $100, TIM05 is worth $225 and if you remember TIM03 was worth $213.65. Anyway’s lets get into what all is inside of the TIM05 box.

Quarterly #TIM05 Box

Let’s start with my favorite thing in the box, the William Painter Titanium Sunglasses. Yes they are made of Titanium! They also have notches in the side that will open beer bottles! Looks like I have my new pair of sunglasses for summer.

Chineasy is a book to help you learn Chinese. The makers of the book say it is a groundbreaking approach that transforms key Chinese characters into pictograms for easy recall and comprehension. It will be interesting to see how well this will actually work.

Ear Peace are ear plugs to help protect your ears and essentially give you peace. They come in an easy to carry container. I will be adding these to my travel bag for sure, they will be perfect for the plane ride.

Slaine: The Horned God is a graphic novel by Pat Mills and Simon Bisley. From the artwork it looks really cool and Tim said that the version we received was specially made for Quarterly subscribers.

The last item in the box is the Captains of Crush Hand Gripper. This is used to improve your grip strength. I think it will be interesting to add this to my workout routine.

I am pretty happy with the #TIM05 box. It is always great to get things that I can not only use, but will teach me new things. Tim has made a video going over all of the products in the box, you can check it out here.