If you have not been to Leo Chiang’s blog then you should really check it out. I first started visiting it about 4-5 months ago when I saw him commenting on Stephen’s blog. If you don’t know who Leo is he is an Actor. He plays the tattooed pilot on Battlestar Galactica. That is probably…
Agloco is Dead
Last year Agloco was launched and there was a ton of hype around it. Everyone from bloggers to college students were trying to get people to sign up claiming you could make money just by surfing the web with a viewbar. Even I made a few posts about Agloco trying to get someone to signup….
The Net Vol. 2
This week has been quite a busy one for me. Only 2 posts since the last The Net post last Sunday. The main reason for this is Halo 3! I have been playing that non-stop! I have already beat the game and have been playing online a lot. So many of my friends have it…
The Net Vol. 1
Sunday is usually a down day for me. I am usually preparing a review for ThinkComputers and taking it easy. But I decided I would start a weekly post where I let you know the happenings of the net for that week. Not just with blogs, but with regular websites too. Hopefully I can keep…
Our First Blog Sponsor
If you haven’t noticed by now you don’t see the Google ads on the blog anymore. They have been replaced by a JohnChow.com ad. The reason for that is he is our first blog sponsor! Well actually second behind Create Business Growth, which has bought a TLA ad on this page for the past 2…
Get More Traffic with BlogRush
It used to be that if you wanted to get a link on another blog you had to exchange links and usually the only people that would list you on their blog would be your friends. You can see on the side of my I have a list of my friends blogs. Well now you…
250 Free Business Cards from VistaPrint
There is no easier way to promote your business than with business cards. I have had many different business card designs, but I was most pleased with the latest ones I received from VistaPrint. I had heard from a friend that VistaPrint does a good job and they were right! Anyways I was excited when…
The Importance of Private Domain Registration
I have never really thought that private domain registration was important, but when someone does not like you or wants to just bother you that is one of the easiest ways for them to get your personal information. If your domain is not private all of your personal information will show up on the whois,…
Finding New Blogs
I have a whole list of blogs that I check on a daily basis. A lot of them are my friends, some are people who I found their blog and ended up becoming friends with them, and others are blogs I have just found. A lot of these blogs are very informational and I really…
Now On Justin.tv
I posted before about lifecasting. I started lifecasting over on Ustream and it was a lot of fun, but the whole reason I wanted to start lifecasting was because I heard about Justin.tv. I signed up for Justin.tv over a month ago and I finally got into the beta. Justin.tv has a much larger viewer…
The Digg Effect…Again!
If you did not notice all of my sites including this blog were running VERY slow yesterday. The reason for this is the Samsung SyncMaster 940UX 19-inch LCD monitor review made it to the front page of Digg, so we were overcome with traffic. Now before we were able to handle a Digg just fine,…
Tips on Releasing Content
A lot of people think that that releasing content in the morning is the same as releasing it at night. Believe me it is not. Learning when it is best for you to release content can really help you increase your online income and also increase your reader base. I have tested content release times…
The Next Internet Millionaire
I watched this for the first time last night and it is very intriguing. I’m not a huge reality fan but the Next Internet Millionaire appeals to me because I make all of my money online. The Show is the joint production from Joel Comm and Eric Holmlund, who each have made quite a bit…
Using Netvibes to Organize Your Life
Running your own business is not an easy thing. It is so easy to get off task and even forget the important things you need to do. I have gone through making daily task lists, putting everything into outlook, and even considered getting a PDA. But before I wasted the money on a PDA I…
Watch Me Live!
You may have noticed a link on the top of the page as well as the side of the page that says, “Watch me live!”. That is because I have started lifecasting. Basically I have a webcam on me most of the day. I have been very interested in lifecasting and wanted to see if…