I think just about everyone has at least one hater. You know someone that has to say something negative about everything that you do, that takes the time out of their day to try and bring you down. We all know one person in our life that does this and if you are in any way successful you have a good amount of haters.
I’ve had quite a few haters over the years. First it started with people who said I couldn’t make ThinkComputers a real business. They would say I could never make money off of a website or that it would never work out. I just look at them and laugh and ask them how their 9 to 5 that they complain about so much is going. I also remind them that ThinkComputers has been my main business for almost 10 years now!
Another type of hater that I have come across is people who don’t like me because I am successful and I am well liked. That is probably about the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. Why would you hate me for being successful? Shouldn’t you want to learn so maybe you can become successful too? They just waste their time hating instead of seeing what I am doing to become successful and learning from it. Yes I have a good amount of friends, but is that a reason to hate on me? Maybe you don’t have any friends because you are negative all the time?
Talking about being negative all the time I was dating this girl not that long ago and I was telling her about launching the ThinkComputers YouTube channel and her response was, “Who wants to watch you?” Then I also told her about getting a national client for my new company and her response was, “Who would want to hire you?” Well as you can guess I am no longer dating that girl. No one wants to be around someone who is negative all the time!
You may think that having haters is a bad thing, but honestly it serves as great motivation. I love it when someone says something I do will never succeed. It makes me strive even harder to make it successful. You know you are doing something right when people are hating on you. Sorry if this post was a little out of left field, just something I have been thinking about lately. And on the subject of haters…