If you live anywhere from the mid to north east part of the country this weekend should have been interesting for you. It all started Friday evening when a light snow started to fall and by late that night we had about a foot of snow on the ground and it didn’t stop snowing until sometime Saturday! It was pretty crazy, seeing people try to dig their cars out and failing horribly. Luckily I didn’t really have to go anywhere all weekend and I had enough food to last me so I didn’t have to leave my apartment. My friends came over Friday night and were stuck here till Sunday!
On Sunday we decided to finally get the cars out. That was an adventure since no one at either of the 2 houses here had a shovel. So we were using buckets, trash cans, and even hockey sticks to get all of the cars out. It was actually a lot of fun and gave me a workout! All of our neighbors helped and we got everyone out safely. Here are some pictures I took during the 2 days…