Well flying from Pittsburgh to San Francisco was not that fun. My flight was at 9:20AM, which was to Vegas (a 4.5 hour flight). For one I hate long flights, but I really did not get much sleep the night before since I was excited about the trip. I tried to sleep on my first flight, but that just gave me a sore neck. Getting off in Vegas I had about 2.5 hours to kill so I got some food and jumped on my laptop to get some work done. If you have never been to McCarren international Airport in Vegas they have slot machines all over the place and if you hate the sound they make, like I do it is quite annoying. Finally I got on my flight from Vegas to San Francisco. I landed about 3:30 western time.
I was met at the airport by friends who live in San Francisco. Instead of going right back to their place they took me down to check out the city. We took the BART into the city and when we came up from the terminal I was extremely surprised! There were people everywhere and tons of stuff to. In Pittsburgh the downtown area is mainly offices and things like that, not many people go down there to go shopping. Well in San Francisco it is a lot different, there are stores all over the place. We went to Union Square to relax and that gave me a chance to take a few photos of some of the buildings.

We ended up going back to my friend’s house and just hanging out the rest of the night. The weather here is awesome too. When I left Pittsburgh there was ice on my windshield, so 70s is a nice change! The rest of the week should be a lot of fun!