300 – Prepare for Glory!

Last night I went to the midnight showing of 300. I’m sure most of you have heard of this movie, trailers have scoured the internet and the movie has been all over Myspace. If you have not heard of the move you can check out the trailer here. I was first shown the trailer back in September by my friend Alex who runs FirstShowing. From then on I’ve wanted to see the movie. The trailer really makes you want to go see the movie!

Ok so I’m no movie buff and I really don’t go to see movies at all. The last midnight showing I went to I think was The Matrix. I ordered my tickets online to make sure I got a seat. By 9PM the midnight showing was sold out! So arriving at the movie theatre around 11:15 we were surprised that the theatre was almost full. It was very hard to find 3 seats together. Also there were a ton of people dressed in Spartan outfits! The only other time I’ve seen anyone dressed up to go see a movie was when I went to see Star Wars Episode 1.

The movie starts out telling you about the Spartans and how they are born to be warriors. The way the movie is directed you really get a connection with the characters. You really understand that fighting is what Spartan men were born to do. I’m not going to spoil the movie for anyone, but I will say the movie is graphic, so if you don’t like blood then it might be hard for you to watch. The fight scenes are just amazing. Believe me this movie is worth going to see. Like I said I rarely go and see movies, but this one was really worth it!