There are Bloggers in Pittsburgh!

Well after some searching I came across the Pittsburgh Bloggers website. I was surprised to see how many bloggers there are around the Pittsburgh area. Pittsburgh is not really a huge tech city, but of course not many of these blogs have anything to do with technology. Most of them are more like personal journals or about sports (Go Pens!). But it is very interesting to see what other people in the Pittsburgh area are up to. I submitted my blog about a week ago and now it is listed. Getting your blog listed get’s you a few things. First it is linked on the side of the page and they make a post saying you are a new blog. These are 2 nice link backs, but even better they list all of your headlines. That is why there is always one Technorati link to each one of my posts. The site is really cool and hopefully I will meet some cool bloggers in the Pittsburgh area.