The New Routine

Well this past week and a half I have been on a horrible sleeping schedule.  Because of that I have not been able to get that much work done.  Being that I'm a dot com mogul and all sites rely on content it is bad when your not getting done what your supposted to.  With that in mind I'm finally getting back on track.  This is my new routine I hope to keep…

Wake up
Finish what I didnt get done the night before
Update ThinkCE and ThinkGaming
Send E-mails etc
Check ThinkComputers Forums
Write for Either ThinkComputers or ThinkGaming
Proof and edit review to be posted on TC
Post review on TC and send news E-mail 

Thats not all I do all day but thats what I hope to get done each day.  Remember the more you get done the more money you make.  So hopefully I can stick to this new routine!