As most of you know CES is right around the corner! It is January 7-10th in Las Vegas. CES is one of the largest trade shows in the United Stats that means the show floor is packed! That is why I am really glad there are press events. Press events are smaller and held at hotels close to the convention center. At these press events companies get a small booth (table really) where they can show off some of their products. What’s great about the press events is that they are press only, which means they are less crowded and you actually get a chance to talk to the reps. Also the free food and open bar are nice. There are 4 main press events during CES.
CES Unveiled
CES Unveiled is CES’s official press event. It takes place on January 5th and is sort of like a sneak peak of what to expect during CES. The free food and drinks are great, but there really is not much to report there as the 60 companies there not really what we cover. Last year I was really disappointed with CES Unveiled, it was super cramped and not done well at all. It usually gets really packed because most people know about it because you are asked if you want to go to it when you signup for CES.
Lunch @ Piero’s
Lunch @ Piero’s is held at Piero’s restaurant which is right across the street from the Las Vegas Convention Center. At this event half of the restaurant is for dining and the other half is for booths. I really like this event because press are treated to a nice meal and it sort of gives you the feel for asking questions to company reps. Lunch @ Piero’s is held on both Monday the 7th and Tuesday the 8th.
Digital Experience
Digital Experience is hosted by Pepcom and they really do a good job. The event is half press event / half party and always has a theme. Last year it was pirates, this year it is tailgating / football. This is my favorite press event out of them all because Pepcom really brings in some good companies and it is a more relaxed environment. Also they always pick a great place to have it at so you are not crowded. I look forward to going to Digital Experience this year.
ShowStoppers is the final press event and it is held on Monday the 8th, but at night not during trade show hours. This event is much like Digital Experience, ShowStoppers usually is able to bring out some great companies and the food and drinks are good. ShowStoppers has to be one of the toughest events to get into. My first year at CES I was not invited but last year I was and of course this year I will be there. This event is held at the Wynn, which if you haven’t been there is amazing!
So you are going to CES, but you are not invited to these press events, how do you get in? Well first off you have to be press, most of these events will not accept bloggers. Here is what ShowStoppers says about bloggers, “Anyone can post to a blog. That does not make you a reporter. Just like driving fast does not make you a professional driver of race cars.” Most of the press events are invite only so if you are not invited you are not getting in. If you are qualified press you can e-mail the companies that are putting on the events and they might let you in or you can pull a John Chow and takes someone else’s name tag and just walk in!