ThinkGaming has been doing very well. With the exception of today I have been posting at least 2 posts a day. The only reason I didn’t today was because I was working most of the day cleaning out my old apartment. Anyways when I finally switched ThinkGaming over to WordPress I sort of left it how it was. Now since I’m actually putting some time into it I am trying to make it better for the users.
The first thing I did was changed the latest content to display all of the latest post not just the latest articles. I was just using a php file and doing a php include. So each time I would post an article I would have to manually update the php file. Now it is all automatic. It took a bit of css work to get it to look like it did before but now you can’t tell the difference.
ThinkGaming’s RSS feed is not that popular, it hovers around 10-12 users. So in hopes to get that number up I have removed the feedburner counter. I have heard this might make a difference and increase RSS subscriptions. We will see.
Finally to help with SEO I installed the optimal title plugin. This makes the title of the post come first instead of the title of the page. So for instance on the Stanglehold Massive Destruction Trailer! post the title would normally look like this ThinkGaming – Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and More! >> Stanglehold Massive Destruction Trailer! Now it with the optimal title plugin it looks like this Stanglehold Massive Destruction Trailer! >> ThinkGaming – Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and More!
Hopefully these little changes will help out ThinkGaming. Any suggestions on the site are welcomed.