I am lucky enough to live right beside one of the biggest parks in the city of Pittsburgh, Highland Park. If you didn’t know Pittsburgh has many city parks and they are great places to get away from the office. For me living right next to one is very convenient, that way I can just walk across the street and get a run in or explore the park. One thing that really sets Highland Park apart from other Pittsburgh city parks is the large reservoir in the center of the park. They have made a track that goes around the entire thing, which is perfect for running or walking. If you want an entire overview of Highland Park, check out my write up on The Pittsburgh Bucket List.
In this post I wanted to talk about some of the hidden gems of the park. These are things that some people might not find the first few times they visit the park. I have been going to the park on a daily basis to run (more on that in another post). The first gem I want to talk about is a path the goes back through the woods. This path is great, especially on a nice day. Walking or running through the woods gives you a great atmosphere and is just simply relaxing. I’ve never seen anyone else on this path all of the times I’ve been to the park.

As you go along the path you will end up at a little creek that comes down from the hill. There are multiple waterfalls and a cool wooden bridge that goes across it. The first time I stumbled upon this I was amazed. It’s like in the movies when they are going through the jungle and come upon a waterfall or something like that. The bridge does not look out of place and fits in perfect with the scenery as well.

The last gem is the tunnel. I’m not sure when this tunnel was built, but it looks pretty old. It is actually a really cool spot and the first time you see it, it sort of sneaks up on you.

If you have a chance to explore Highland Park I would highly recommend it. Remember you can check out my full write up on it here and to see all my photos check out my Flickr set!