SEO is a word that you probably hear a lot. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which basically means improving the traffic you get from search engines, or making your website show up higher in the search engine results. There are many things you can do to make your website more search engine friendly. One easy thing to start with is page titles. I have been able to bring the search engine traffic for ThinkComputers up significantly because of adding the correct titles to my pages. Let’s take a look…
If you look at this old review you can see the title is just “ – The Place That’s All About Computers”, that really does not tell you what the product being reviewed is. The product is a Thermaltake Big Water SE cooler, but by having the plain title you are not telling the search engines what is being reviewed. So you have to rely on the body of the review to help you out in the search engine results. People are going to be searching for the product not “ThinkComputers” most of the time so we needed to make a change so we would get better search results. If we look back when we were using the plain page titles you can see that most of our traffic was coming from referring sites.

The change was simple, just make the titles of the pages the actual product that is being reviewed, you can see the change in the title on the ViewSonic VX1962wm LCD review. That way when people search for that product we will show up higher in the search results. Since doing this we have seen an increase in traffic from search engines and traffic overall.

If you have a blog then this is even easier. I had to go back and change many of the reviews by hand since ThinkComputers is not on a CMS. With WordPress you can just install the All in one SEO pack, which will do titles plus a lot of other good things for your blog.