May’s Top Commentators

Well I have been so busy this week that I forgot to take a screenshot of the top commentators. So I decided instead of not making this post I would just go through and count the comments. It was not fun, but I did it! Here are the top commentators for May done Leo Chiang style.

Justin loves custom PC’s. This one has to be one of my favorites, it’s so clean. You can also add your PC!

Moulinneuf does not have a website, although with all of the commenting I really think he should have a blog or something!

The Business Twins will show you 10 Steps to build traffic to your blog and even how to burn fat!

Jacob was nice enough to list me in his top 5 blogs and talks about what gives him motivation to blog.

Damien has the low down on the new X-13D Doritos that taste like a cheeseburger! He also gives you the info on 3 blog networking and promotion services.

Those are the top commentators for May, it’s June now so hopefully at the end of this month I won’t forget to take a screenshot and have to count all the comments again!