Wow another month that has flown by! I guess that what happens in the summer it seems like it goes by so fast! This month was a very productive one for me! ThinkComputers has really been pushing out content and our traffic has been up a lot. Since being in my new apartment it seems I’m getting more work done and I’m definitely more motivated! Now as far as the blog goes I did manage more posts than last month, but I would have liked do to more, but I was away in Myrtle Beach for a week! My favorite post from July would have to be Pittsburgh’s First TasteCasting – Melange Bistro Bar, TasteCasting is a great idea and I’m glad to be part of it.
Popular Posts
So what was everyone checking out this month? Let’s take a look…
1. Motivation: Movies
2. ColorSplash iPhone App
3. Pixelpipe iPhone App
4. How To Redirect to a Website
5. Pano iPhone App
Interesting that 3 iPhone App posts are up in the top 5 posts.
Traffic Sources
2. John Chow
3. ThinkComputers
4. Twitter
5. David Lithman
It seems traffic is still coming from the same sources, hopefully that will change soon!
Top Commentators
As expected I forgot to take a screenshot for this month’s top commentators. Hopefully next month I will remember!
RSS Readers 651 (+71)
Twitter Followers 5234 (+300)
Facebook Friends 1183 (+47)
Once again another month with all of the stats going up! Hope I keep that trend going!
On to August
Wow summer is almost over! I still hope to get away for a weekend and as always I hope to improve the number of posts here on the blog. I’ve been having some trouble trying to find things to blog about so if you have anything you would like me to write about please let me know!