In-Direct Marketing Using Myspace

Myspace is probably the biggest online community out there. Myspace has made many people rich, not just its owners. Jon makes a good amount of his money off Myspace. It is crazy the amount of traffic you can push to a website because of Myspace. The 15K challenge used Myspace to make $14,185.37 in 1 month! Most of my websites are tech related, but I have ventured into Myspace related sites because of the ability to push a lot of traffic to them easily and I don’t have to update them everyday to have constant traffic.

What I wanted to talk about today is in-direct marketing. You basically want to advertise a product, or website in our case without “really” advertising it. I actually got this idea from the 15K challenge. Basically this is how it works; you create a Myspace profile that you want to look real. Some things when wanting to make the profile look real you want to use more than 1 picture of the person. I’ve seen a ton of fake Myspace profiles that use the same picture over and over again. If you want people to think you are real then find more than 1 picture of someone. Next fill out the profile completely, people will be able to spot a fake profile if it isn’t filled out at all. The last thing that you want to do is make sure the person you have created is from a major city. This will get more people to add you as a friend. It also helps if the person you create is good looking.

Ok now for the marketing part. My Myspace resource site is MyProfileResource, which has layouts, graphics, etc. So basically on this fake profile will be comprised of a layout from MPR, graphics from MPR, and maybe a blog entry about how “I found all of these cool layouts at MPR”. This will draw some traffic to your site, but we want more! Here are some more things that you can do. Well first you want to get some friends, you can easily add people from your area and they usually won’t wonder why you have added them. If you want to accumulate a lot of friends fast you can use a program like Badder Adder. The next in-direct thing you can do is leave comments to people with comment images from your site. Those images will link back to your site. So if you have 100 friends and leave comments on all 100 of them and say 10 people view each one of their profiles that’s 1000 people that you would be advertising to. Some other things you can do is send bulletins or messages to people talking about your site or things like that.

So does it work? YES! On MPR I was averaging around 700 unique visitors a day. After creating 3 profiles like this and doing some work on each a month later I am averaging 1300-1500 unique visitors a day. A lot of the traffic is coming directly from Myspace too. Now imagine if I had made 100 profiles?