Get Paid To Surf The Web!

I’m sure some of you remember AllAdvantage.  It was a company that paid you to surf the internet!  And what was even better was that it paid you when people you referred to the service surfed the web, and when the people they referred and so on.  When I first heard of this back then I was skeptical, but when I got my first check is was like, “damn this is easy money!”  Well AllAdvantage is back under a new name, AGLOCO. 

The way the service works is it install’s a viewbar at the bottom of your browser that displays ads.  Before it was a pain to get on and surf the web, but now it is a much more common thing, especially since I spend 6-8 hours a day on the computer.  The viewbar is in BETA right now, but it will be released soon so what you want to do now is build up your network, because the more people that you refer the more money you make!  You can signup here, and make sure to put in my referral ID which is BBBB1166.  The viewbar will be released very soon so build up your network so you can make easy money!