Well I have been waiting for this trip for the longest time! Each January I go to Las Vegas for CES. This year Ashley and I decided to go a few days earlier to get in a little mini-vacation. Last we year decided to stay an extra day, but we were so exhausted it was not even worth it. Coming in early will make things more relaxed as we do not have anything important to go to once we get in. This year packing was a snap, I guess I am used to packing now since I have done it quite a few times now, but I still could have forgot something as I am writing this while I am on the plane!
It just so happened that the day we were leaving there was a huge snow storm in Pittsburgh so it was fun driving through that to get to the airport. Also when we were taxiing out to the runway the plane had to get de-iced so that was interesting. The flight was not that bad, just long (around 5 hours). To cut down on time Ashley and I watched a movie and I wrote a few blog posts. Does anyone know if Southwest serves meals on any flights because I would have thought a 5 hour flight would get a meal, all we got was something to drink and a snack box that had some crackers and other stuff in it.

This year we are again staying at Treasure Island. Originally we had booked at the Flamingo because the CES rate was sold out at Treasure Island, but it is always good to check hotels a few weeks before you go away because that is when people will cancel and the hotel will drop rates in order to fill those rooms. Well that was the case and we were able to get a room at Treasure Island for much cheaper that we were quoted months ago. Once we got all checked in we went out shopping and picked up a few things for the room. On our way back we ate at a place called Cheese Burger, which if you guessed serves cheeseburgers, but they had a Hawaiian theme to them. The burgers were great and it was not that expensive at all.

It was a great first day to the trip even though we were jet-lagged and didn’t get much sleep the night before. Although I will be updating this blog you can also follow my Vegas trip on twitter and flickr.