Well this year I was an idiot and I went shopping the friday before Christmas and the day after. And as expected both days were horrible, lines were long as hell, and everyone was in a bad mood. Both days I went to the mall. Now alot of stores in the mall do not have…
Good Food
Well last night I ate at a place called Sapporos, which is a Japanese place. It is one of those places where they cook in front of you. It was the first time I have been to one of these places so I was excited! Well for $25 you get a salad with some funky…
Im Alive!!
Yes another few weeks and no update…..well yeah. What can I say….I’ve been busy. School, the site of course, and other crap. Getting back on track pumping out reviews and articles for everyone! Also got my friend phil on staff, he is my PHP slave LOL. He will be writing some good stuff, some that…
Well I have not written in here in about a week. Of course it was Thanksgiving Break and all….but things have been busy. Writing articles and reviews all day, and now I’m back to school. Anyways I found this cool need IPTV show called the scene. Check it out, http://www.welcometothescene.com. Start from episode 2, from…
Parents suing Blizzard for World of Warcraft addiction
A thirteen year-old Chinese boy jumped to his death last year from a 24 story building, allegedly after playing too much World of Warcraft. The parents of the boy are now suing game maker Blizzard with the help of lawyer and internet game addiction researcher. The legal team also plans on filing class action suits…
Welcome to my Blog
Well the TC blogs are up! You can check out mine and Dracos’s. Remember you can comment on all post etc. Let us know what you think of the blogs…