Yesterday my review of the Icydock MB561 4-Bay External SATA Removable Hard Drive Enclosure made it to the front page off Digg. As I always say I rarely submit things to Digg. Just for the fact that most of the reviews are not super interesting and I don’t want to get the reputation of someone who submits everything to Digg. I think the thing that really made this one get front page was the title, Finally! Enough Room For All Your Porn! You know a title like that is going to catch someone’s attention! People might even Digg the story without even reading the review. I want to thank Mr. Make Money Online for coming up with the title. Now how did the Digg affect traffic?

As you can see there is a huge spike for yesterday’s traffic. We went from an average of 3000 uniques to almost 25,000! That’s a HUGE difference! Unlike ThinkGaming ThinkComputers is not based on a CMS so it is not dependent on a database. For that reason the server took the Digg without any problems. So how did the traffic increase affect earnings? Here is a list of the days earnings compared to what the average was.
Google Adsense: $153.89
Daily Average: $49.36
Vibrant Media: $56.28
Daily Average: $9.84
Tribal Fusion: $47.22
Daily Average: $8.16
TTZ Media: $202.50
Daily Average: $24.00
Looking at the results you can see there is a big increase in earnings. The biggest increase was in the TTZ Media earnings, making 8x what it normally made. The reason for this is the targeted ad placement. If you look at the Icydock MB561 4-Bay External SATA Removable Hard Drive Enclosure review you can see that you can actually see a listing of prices of the product from various retailers. So if people are reading the review and they are interested in buying the product they can see how much it will cost and with 1 click they are brought to the retailer’s website where they can buy it. This targeted ad placement is key, a lot of times though shopping.com will not carry some of the products that ThinkComputers reviews, especially if we receive the product before it hits retail. Then we have to insert a similar product. This still works, but not effectively as the actual product.
Well it looks like ThinkComputers has survived another Digg. Now today and tomorrow I should see a huge decrease in traffic because the story is now off the front page, but I hope that some of the users thought the story was cool and might come back to check out other reviews. Hopefully they will!