As most of you know TTZ Media is John Chow’s ad network. You have seen the ads on many of my sites including this one. So what is TTZ Media really? Well it is a network of sites that are affiliates with comparison shopping websites. These sites provide us with the product listings and we are able to offer the products to our readers. Out of all of my income sources TTZ Media makes up for most of my money. Many people do not believe me when I tell them that, but it is true. Read on to find out why and the benefits that TTZ Media offers.
Easy and Fast Registration
One thing that is really great about TTZ Media is that it is extremely easy to register. They do not require a whole lot of information, just the basics. Also you do not need to have a really popular website to get accepted. After you register in a few hours you should be approved. Most sites get approved the same day they register. Most ad networks make you wait a few days, even a week!
User Friendly Control Panel
The control panel on TTZ Media has a very Web 2.0 feel to it. On the main dashboard you have your performance stats for the current day, previous day, week, month, and current month. At the top there are links to everything else you need, the ad code generator, detailed stats, payment history, etc. Everything is easy to navigate and anyone should be accustomed to the control panel in a few minutes.
Ads Made Easy
The ad code generator is very easy to use. It has so many options and settings. First and one of the most important things is you are able to change the color of pretty much everything in the ad. This will allow you to match the ads to the color of your site for a better CTR. Another thing that TTZ Media offers that many comparison shopping networks do not is direct product selection. So if I’m reviewing a LCD monitor I can select that specific one, which will give you a really good CTR on that ad. Keywords are also another feature of the ads. Keywords are good to use if you want to make an ad for iPod’s. You can just type in iPod in the keyword box and it will display iPod ads. You can use as many keywords as you want. Keywords make it so if the product ID you use in the review is not listed anymore you are still able display a relevant ad. So in my LCD monitor review I can use a keyword like “ViewSonic LCD”. Ads can display a single product or up to 4 (depending on ad size), so you can input 4 product ID’s.
If you are going to be using TTZ a lot for the same site it would be a pain to go in and change the colors each time. That is why TTZ has an ad template system where you can save ad templates and use them with just a click of the mouse. Also to help you keep track of your different ads there are ad channels (much like Adsense channels). Once you have you product ID(s) and keywords in and have selected your channel you can preview what the ad will look like, then get the code, copy and paste and you’re done! It is very simple and anyone can get an ad up in 30 seconds!
Paid Per Click
Many other comparison shopping affiliate networks pay you on a commission basis. I really do not like that model because it is not often that someone will actually buy the item, just click on the ad to check out the product some more. Also usually you are only given a commission of 1-2% so you need to be showing ads on items that are very high priced to get any real money. With TTZ Media you are paid per click. This means no matter what, if they buy the item or not you are still getting paid. This really makes it great when you get a front page Digg or a ton of traffic.
Why I am so Successful With TTZ Media
As I said at the beginning of this post TTZ is my biggest money maker and one of the main reasons why is because my main site is ThinkComputers, a computer hardware review site. So in every review we have a TTZ Media ad where people can buy the product that is being reviewed, most people that visit the site are looking to buy the products that are being reviewed. Also the fact that I am able to customize the ads, pick a specific product, and use a ton of different ad sizes makes TTZ Media the definite choice for me and ThinkComputers.
If you are looking to make some easy money online then you should definitely check out TTZ Media. If I would not be using it I would probably be making 50% less than what I am making now.