If you are anything like me you love finding a great deal online. I’m sure by now if you shop online you know about woot.com and I already talked about HoopStick, which is currently no longer offering items for sale. About a week ago my friend Brittany told me about 1saleaday.com. Which is actually exactly what the title URL says it is. 1saleaday.com offers 1 product a day at a great price and it is only available for 24 hours and they will not sell it again.
Sometimes I am a little skeptical of these types of sites, some can be rip offs others can be scams, but Brittany said she ordered stuff from 1saleaday.com all the time so I decided to give it a try. There was a kitchen set on there that had something like 15 knifes, a knife block, cutting board, 4 different spatchula’s, measuring cups, a bottle opener and more. It was only $7.99 so I figured what the hell, even if the knifes were crap $7.99 for all of that is a great deal!
Shipping for the set was only $4.99 and I was easily able to check out via PayPal. About 3 days later I received the set and for $13 I was very pleased with my purchase. Currently 1saleaday.com actually has 5 different things for sale each day now. They are in categories so you have the generic 1saleaday which can be anything, wireless which is obviously a wireless product, watch which is a watch, family which is anything family related, and jewelry which is of course jewelry.
So if you are looking for a great deal check out 1saleaday.com, they also have a Facebook page and Twitter account so you can follow them.