Your Own Personal Brand

It seems that many people are 50/50 on this subject. Many people feel that personal branding is extremely important and can help your business. Others seem to think that personal branding is not important at all and will do nothing to help your business. In my opinion personal branding is important and if done right, it can really help out your business. I’ve already talked about a few people who have used personal branding with great success. If you are new to personal branding and social media here are some thing you might want to do to improve your personal brand.

Your Name Dot Com
Having your own dot com is a definite thing you want to do is you want to improve your personal brand. I use as a blog, but you don’t need to have a blog on yours. You can have your resume there, an about me section, or a simple website with the current projects you are working on. If you do choose to have a blog, it can greatly improve your personal brand because people will become interested in you and what you are up to. If people are interested in you then most likely they will be interested in your product or company as well.

Facebook Page
Creating a Facebook account is a great way to network with people and is one of the easiest things to do. With facebook you can connect with people on a more social basis and give people an insight into your life. Not only that you can make pages for your products and get your friends on Facebook to become a fan of that product. If you think that Facebook is another Myspace, it is much more than that and you can really use it to improve your personal brand.

Ah good old Twitter! If you haven’t heard of Twitter by now you must be living under a rock! Twitter is a micro-blogging system that everyone seems to be using now. Even P. Diddy and Shaq are on it! Many people are using Twitter to promote their products and even themselves. You can do the same, I follow people who I think are interesting so if you are interesting people will follow you on Twitter. It is just another outlet for people to become interested in you and your brand.