Why The Web Is Easy

So many people say making money on the internet is easy…..well it is and it isn’t. You can’t just go ahead and make a website, put some ads on it and expect to make money, but the internet is very easy to get started and much easier than running a normal business. Here are a few things that make making money on the internet easier than a normal business.

Hardly Any Startup Time
Say you are opening a store of some type. You have to wait until the store gets finished and you also have to order supplies / products. This waiting time you are not making any money at all. With the web things are almost instant. Once you register a domain and setup hosting it usually only takes an hour for your DNS to go through and you’re ready to start building your site. So usually if you have an idea that day you can be setup and ready to go.

Starting a regular business is hard work especially if you have to rent and office etc. There are a lot of startup costs associated with starting a business. There are only a few startup costs when starting a web business. They are hosting, domain name, website design, coding, and maybe some other graphic design. If you are really short on cash there are tons of places that you can get free website layouts. When it comes to domain names I have used GoDaddy for years now and I haven’t had a single problem with and most domains are between $8 and $10. Also they always have promo’s going on so you can easily save money. Graphic design firms can be very expensive even if you only need a few logos made. I you checkout the SitePoint Forums you can get logo’s made for as cheap as $10! I got a few banners for ThinkComputers by some of the users there for $20 and they came out very well, much better than the $100 I would have paid for a design company to make them.

If you have a small store only the people who are local to it really know about it. If you are online almost anyone with an internet connect PC can check out your store / website. This give you a chance to not only cater to the people in your area, but all over the world.

More than one Income Source
With Web 2.0 upon us there are a lot of ways to make money off of the internet. If you are selling some type of product you can also have some type of ads or link exchange on your site making you money if sales are low. Also some services like PayPerPost or ReviewMe which pay you for reviewing items are also an nice and easy way of making extra income if your main source of income is low. (There are probably a lot more ways of making income, but it’s very late and I can hardly think!)

Now this may make you think that making money off the internet is so easy, but remember one thing if you are not dedicated then you will go nowhere!