Is seems that I talk a lot about motivation on this blog, and that is probably because I do! Motivation is a key thing when you are running your own business. If there is no motivation you tend to not get as much done and you definitely are not as happy. On the other hand when you are motivated you are most likely going to be in a good mood and tend to get a lot more done. Being motivated is one thing, but let’s take it to the next level! Let’s get pumped!! I have been motivated before and then I have been pumped! Being pumped like I said is taking the motivation to the next level and really kicking ass at whatever you are doing. Some good examples of me being pumped is the week at CES where I’m working like crazy, getting 3-4 hours a sleep and going hard each day, also the times where I stay up all night to get work done, that’s not motivation, that’s being pumped!
So what triggers that next level of motivation? Well there are a few things, but usually for me its when I listen to someone who is just as pumped talking about what they do. A perfect example of that is Gary Vaynerchuk, whether he is talking about wine or the internet he is always very passionate about it and loves to encourage people to do the same with whatever they are doing. Check out this video I found of him talking at a rally in NYC, he is just talking to a group of people, but look how excited he is.
Watching stuff like this really makes me want to get up and do something! No only does it give me motivation it gets me pumped to go out there and kill it! When I was in Vegas I was always pumped to go to my meetings and tell different companies about ThinkComputers and what we do. If you can reach that next level of motivation you can really get a lot done and if you cannot get pumped about your business then you might be doing the wrong thing!