Last week when Ashley and I were down at the Waterfront I walked by a mailbox and I had to do a double take. When I looked for the second time I was like, “It’s R2D2!!”. Ashley was wondering why I was so excited. Of course she is not a Star Wars fan like I am. Luckily I had my camera with me so I got a shot of the mailbox, which you see above. The mailbox had a URL on it uspsjedimaster.com. So when we got home I went to the site and saw what it was all about. So it looks like the US postal service is going to come out with a Star Wars stamp.
The cool thing about it is you get to pick out of 15 stamps for the one that will actually become the real stamp. This is the second time in history that the USPS has let people choose which stamp they will issue. Also USPS is offering Star Wars express mail pre-paid 3 packs. There is also a sweepstakes where you can win a grand prize VIP trip for four to Star Wars Celebration IV in Los Angeles, May 24-28. The new Star Was stamp will be available at your local post office on May 25 and online at usps.com. You can vote once daily for the stamp you like. My pick is the X-Wing Starfighter what is yours?