Running your own business is not an easy thing. It is so easy to get off task and even forget the important things you need to do. I have gone through making daily task lists, putting everything into outlook, and even considered getting a PDA. But before I wasted the money on a PDA I found Netvibes. Netvibes is sort of like your own personal homepage. You can move everything around on it, add modules, add widgets, add RSS feeds, and much more. I am using it as a daily task list / organizer and it has been working really well.
Here is what my personalized homepage looks like. Click on the image for a full sized screenshot.

As you can see in the center I have my daily tasks organized by day and below that I have the weather. On the right side of the page I have a list of blog topics that I want to write about and a list of upcoming reviews that I need to write. Below that I have RSS feeds for all of my sites. On the other side I have a list reviews that each one of my reviewers need to finish. This way I can keep track of what all they need to get done. Below that I have a calendar and web search.
As you can see I’m using a widget called Remember the Milk. Netvibes only offers a To Do List which is helpful, but I cannot have reoccurring tasks, so I am using Remember the Milk. You can setup a free account on their website then add the widget onto Netvibes. I really like it and I can organize things by the type of task as well, like work, personal, study, etc. Also I can set things at a higher priority than others.

Adding things to Netvibes is very easy. Just click on the add content button at the top of the page and you can add a ton of different things. Netvibes does offer basic widgets like weather, notes, to do list, calendar, etc, but there are a ton of widgets in their widget directory. You will find all kinds of widgets like a Digg widget, Myspace widget, and a Flickr widget.

Netvibes is really cool because you can move any of the widgets around anywhere on the screen and just as easily remove them. I also like it because it is online so as long as I have an internet connection I can be on task. The best part about it is that it is free! So if you are having trouble keeping on task or having trouble organizing work than you might want to check Netvibes out.