A lot of people think that that releasing content in the morning is the same as releasing it at night. Believe me it is not. Learning when it is best for you to release content can really help you increase your online income and also increase your reader base. I have tested content release times extensively on ThinkComputers and I have come up with some very interesting results. Here are some tips to releasing content and finding out when is the best time for you to release content.
Peak Time
If you have any type of web tracking program it should have an hourly break down of visitors on your site. Track these stats for a week or so and see what time of day is your “peak time”. This is the time where they are the most users on your site. This is a perfect time to release content because the most people will be on your site to see the new content.
Time of Day
If you are posting daily posts on your blog or website there might be a certain time of day that you want to post them at. Say if you post each day before noon that gives your article a full 24 hours of exposure. If you are posting things at random times you limit the exposure time of your article. Also try to think what time of day would be best for your audience. Noon is a good time, but if you are on the east coast that is 9AM on the west coast so you might want to change it to 2PM depending on how much traffic of yours is from the west coast. The same goes if you are on the west coast, remember you are 3 hours behind the east coast.
Same Time each Day
Once again if you are posting daily posts you might want to have a strict schedule and be posting at exactly the same time each day. This way your users will know when to expect new posts and will come back each day at that time for the new content.
Day of the Week
I know on my sites the day with the most traffic is Monday. So I always post a review on Monday. I also try to make it a review that will earn me a lot of money. For an example I would post a LCD review instead of a CPU cooler on Mondays. Find out what day of the week you have the most traffic and be sure to release content on that day.
With anything on the internet it is all about testing. You need to test releasing content for atleast a week to get an idea if your new method is working for you. Sometimes it can take up to a week to see what works best for you. Try to track the differences in traffic and revenue.
Let Your CMS Help You
So many CMS’s have a timestamp feature that will allow you to write a post and release it at a specific time. This way you can write a post the night before and if you want it to be posted at 9AM it will auto post for you. This way you can sleep in and when you wakeup your site will have new content on it.
For ThinkComputers I have found out that posting the reviews the night before works the best. The main reason for this is because after I post the review I send out a news e-mail to all of our affiliates. They in turn post a link back to the review. So if the e-mail is in their inbox the night before when the site owners wake up it is there for them to put on their site. Also if we are posting reviews back to back the first review will have a full 24 hours of exposure. It took me about 3 weeks of testing to find out that this was the best time for releasing content on ThinkComputers. Test some different methods of releasing content and see what works best for you.