Some of you might have noticed that ThinkCE has been inactive for some time now. Since December actually! Well today I have re-launched the site. Over the past few weeks I have been debating whether or not to switch it to WordPress. I knew for sure I wanted to start it back up because I love gadgets so I wanted to keep up to date with all the gadget / tech news. So I had to decide between Joomla (what it was previously on) and WordPress. I also didn’t want to lose any of the old posts. I found a few ways to convert a Joomla database into WordPress, but I could not find a wordpress theme I liked as much as the current Joomla one. So I stuck with Joomla.
Before re-launching the site there was a few things that I wanted to fix. First I updated Joomla to the latest version. Next I needed to make the URL’s SEO friendly. This improves Google search results a ton, which greatly helps with traffic. Then I changed some of the ads around, updating the older TTZ ads to the new version. I also installed openAds to make switching ads easier. Finally I added a few other little things like the MyBlogLog community widget and the Social Bookmarker mambot. Since my system of using a daily routine has been working very well I should be able to update the site each day.
Make sure you head on over to ThinkCE and subscribe to the RSS Feed!