Once again another busy week for me! The crappy weather did not help that much at all. Times like this I wished I lived in a place where it was sunny and warm almost all year around. I have been trying to get a lot of work done this week, but I really did not get as much done as I wanted. I guess a new week and a new set of goals! So what was going on this week?
Forum Business Blog Launched
My buddy David Lithman has a new project and its Forum Business Blog. Forum Business Blog is a resource for current and prospective forum owners and administrators. From the looks of it he is off to a good start, there are a lot of posts already and he has a really great design. If you have a forum or are thinking of starting one head on over the Forum Business Blog and get some good advice from David.
World’s Largest Outdoor Swimming Pool

Now this is crazy! When I first saw this story I was like damn I need to go there, especially since the weather here has been horrible! This massive pool sits at the San Alfonso del Mar in Chile. It holds 250,000 cubic meters of water and features clear water artificial lagoons, which are transparent to a depth of 35 meters. Pretty impressive, this new clear lagoon technology is also being used in Dubai.
Spashtop Rapid-Start Platform
If you are a computer guy like me this is something you might be interested in. Splashtop or Express Gate as known on ASUS motherboards is a rapid-start platform that will allow you to surf the web, check e-mail, and make a skype call without your operating system loading. Pretty cool stuff, I’ll let the video explain the rest to you.
Well that is all for this week. Sort of a slow week. If you are launching a new site or have a really cool story from the week, please e-mail me the info and I will be sure to include it in one of these posts.