Because of comments on my dnScoop post and some e-mails about it I also want to tell you about Smart PageRank. Apparently according to Smart PageRank dnScoop was using under-handed tactics to steal website traffic. Smart PageRank was so upset they created dnscoopsucks.com. Now it seems everything between them is ok. There is only one small change I see on dnScoop. The page rank currently is not working. So now onto SmartPageRank.
Smart PageRank’s main page has an input where you will put in your domain. From there it will process your domain and give you the following information, pagerank, age of domain, alexa traffic, directories, backlinks (Google, Yahoo, Altavista, AllTheWeb), indexed pages (Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista, AllTheWeb), and website value. There is also a screenshot of your website displayed for you. And you can add the pagerank button to your page. If you want to be updated of your pagerank you can enter you e-mail address and when your pagerank changes you will be notified via e-mail. On the left side of the page you can see your pagerank results from various data centers.
Comparing the 2 sites I still like dnScoop better. I really like the web 2.0 feel of dnScoop. According to dnScoop ThinkComputers is worth $112,488 compared to Smart PageRank’s appraisal of $74,619.