Well as you can see I have a new layout here on my blog! The old layout was on the site for around 3 years, which is quite a long time. Over time it had got cluttered and just seemed boring and out dated to me. Also for a time I had thought about making money on the blog, but I never really got into that so some of the things on there were just pointless. After the 3 years of looking at the cluttered blog I knew I needed to change it. After doing some searching I found a great layout and that is what you see now.
The layout is called Beauty & Clean and it is actually a free layout! The whole point of my blog now is to keep friends and family updated on my life and to express thoughts that I cannot do on ThinkComputers. So I did not need a very complicated layout, just something simple and clean. So this layout was the perfect fit!
I really did not have to do that much editing to the theme either, just add what I wanted to the sidebar, and make a few custom menu’s and I was done. I really like the way everything came out. What do you think of the new blog layout?