Do you have an old cell phone just sitting around collecting dust? Well I have 2! It’s pointless to try to sell them. One is like 3 years old and the other isn’t in the best condition. I’m sure a lot of you are in the same boat as me. So what to do with these old phones, most people would just throw them away, but CellForCash.com will give you money for your phone, although not that much its better than nothing right?
So how does it work? Well if you head on over to CellForCash.com you can select and manufacturer and model of your phone. Then click on the sell button, a shopping cart will show up with what CellForCash.com will pay for your phone. To give an example they will give me $20 for my RAZR V3i and NOTHING for my Audiovox SMT 5600, keep in mind the Audiovox is over 3 years old and most people get a new phone after a year. Once you have selected all of the phones you want to sell to them enter your contact information and hit finalize. From there CellForCash will send you a pre-paid packaging box for you to send the phone to them. Once they receive the phone from you they will mail you a check. They say the whole process takes 45-60 days so you do have to wait a while to get paid.

Now I do realize that $20 is not a lot, but its $20 for nothing! My RAZR would have been lying around forever or I would have just thrown it away. Instead of it going to waste I am making $20 and CellForCash recycles the phone.
You can even make more money with CellForCash.com, they have an affiliate program where you will earn $5 for every person that sells their phone to CellForCash. I’m sure you know a few people that have old cell phones that are just sitting around collecting dust. So what are you waiting for, sell that old cell phone!