June’s Top Commentators

Wow it seems like time is flying, another month has gone by. Last month was a great month for this blog and we had a good amount of comments. Only the top 5 commentators make our list though. Here they are, Leo Chiang style…

BigMan – He reviews PC Hardware just like me, and enjoys swimming in the pool he help build.

Sean – Sean is my good Lan Party buddy, Pittco is coming up and I should see him there. His also is trying to keep an organized schedule, we all know that is a hard thing to do.

Shawn Knight – Shawn loves seeing people get pwned! Ashley was nice enough to model his OCIA.net T-shirt!

David Lithman – I was quite concerned when Adbrite did not pay him the right amount on his March payment. He also had a great post on what other bloggers were doing a year ago, he included me in the list!

Business Twins – They have a list of the Top 30 fastest growing jobs, this would be a good thing to know if this internet didn’t work out! Both of them have gone through the Abercrombie & Fitch interview process, that brings back memories for me!

Become a Top Commentator
Becoming a Top Commentator on BobBuskirk.com is really easy, all you have to do is comment! Comments are recorded and the top 5 commentators are listed on the side of the page. At the end of each month I do a Top Commentator post, with links back to your blog / website. So a linkback on the side of the page as well as a few more links in a post. So there is no reason not to comment!