As you know both Shoemoney and John Chow are giving things away for their RSS competition. John and Shoemoney wanted to see who could get the most new RSS subscribers in the month of October. Shoemoney started out with 10,833 subscribers and John had 8585 subscribers. As things stand right now Shoemoney has more RSS subscribers at 13600, to John’s 13317, but the contest is for NEW RSS subscribers. John is in the lead with 4732 new RSS subscribers to Shoemoney’s 2767. It’s crazy how many new RSS subscribers they were able to get in only a months time. Hell I have only cracked 150 recently!
Of course both of them are giving away a ton of prizes to get people to subscribe to their RSS. I’m not an RSS guy as I said before, I have both of their sites in my bookmarks, but since they were giving stuff away I decided what the hell! So I added them both on my Google reader and subscribed to the RSS via e-mail. Not really thinking I would win surprisingly I won both contests!
I was a Google reader winner on Shoemoney’s blog winning 1 free page on the Million Dollar Wiki and 1 license of Backup Platinum. I was an RSS by e-mail winner on John’s blog winning a $25 gift certificate to NewEgg! Not bad eh?
I already know what I’m going to do with the $25 and the copy of backup platinum, but what should I do with the free page on the Million Dollar Wiki? I’m really not sure what to use it for, most good keywords are already taken, any suggestions?