If you follow me on Twitter you might have noticed that the past few Friday’s I’ve been telling you who I think you should follow on Twitter. Follow Friday started when someone thought it would be a good idea to give a shoutout to the people that they thought were interesting and other people would like to follow. You can read this post about how follow Friday got started. I decided to make this post because I wanted to do a lot of shoutouts in many different categories and why I actually follow these people. Twitter is not only a networking tool it is a great way to gain information and meet new people. So here are some people I think you should follow…
Motivational People
@iamdiddy – Ah, P. Diddy! He is always pumped no matter what he is doing! Everytime I read one of his tweets I am pumped to get back to work.
@garyvee – Gary Vaynerchuk, he always has interesting posts and always talks about making the most of things, definitely follow him!
@tedmurphy – Ted Murphy, founder and CEO of IZEA, always talking about good stuff…WOOOOOO!
@johnchow – If you run a blog and don’t know who John is then you need to get out from under that rock!
@tyleringram – Tyler is a Vancouver based blogger and he always has interesting things to talk about.
@ianternet – Ian Fernando, friend and great guy who is doing his thing on the internet.
@michaelkwan – Michael Kwan, another friend and blogger who always has something interesting to post or talk about
@iphoneincanada – iPhoneinCanada.ca, great iPhone blog even if you are not in Canada!
@gizmodo – Where I get all of my gadget news.
@thinkcomps – ThinkComputers newly created twitter account!
@rainnwilson – Rainn Wilson, we all know him as Dwight from the office.
@aplusk – Ashton Kutcher, Surprisingly more interesting then I thought he would be.
@kevinrose – Kevin Rose, founder of Digg.com and host of Diggnation.
@JasonCalacanis – Founder of Mahalo, he always has something interesting to talk about.
Pittsburgh Based
@carley – My good friend Carley, she just got into blogging and is always on Twitter!
@colindean – Colin Dean, ThinkComputers staff write and all around good guy!
@wpxi – Yes, WPXI has twitter…and actually knows how to use it!
I’m not sure how often I will do a post like this but it is always good to point out interesting people. Remember when doing a follow friday tweet use the #followfriday hash tag. Make sure you are following me on Twitter!