I barely work out, exercise or anything like that. Once of the main reason for that is that I’m just lazy and I really do not like going to work out. The only reason I stay slim is because I have a high metabolism. That basically allows me to eat whatever I want and not have to worry about getting fat!
Anyways it was nice out yesterday so Ashley and I decided to go look for some roller blades so we could go roller blading outside. Finding the skates was an adventure in itself. I wanted hockey style skates because I like the way they feel and I am used to playing on them because I used to play hockey. I was surprised that so many sporting goods stores did not sell hockey style skates. Like where are kids these days supposed to buy skates if they want to play roller hockey? I was also very surprised to see that the hockey section in these stores has extremely small. It was basically a handful of sticks, gloves, and some tape. I remember when I played hockey sporting goods stores would have well over 100 sticks to choose from, tons of different skates, basically anything you needed for hockey they would have. So eventually at the 3rd store I was able to find a pair of hockey skates. It was the only pair they had!
After Ashley and I got our skates we were able to skate the rest of the afternoon. It was nice to be able to do something together and get a workout at the same time. I was surprised at how well Ashley could skate too! Getting exercise is nice and makes you feel like you have more energy for the rest of the day. Ashley and I wanted to go skating today but looking out the window this morning it is raining, gotta love Pittsburgh weather!