Last night the scene at Digg.com was quite funny. It’s not often you head over to Digg and see every story on the front page be about the same thing. Not to mention all the stories were just links to various sites, but had the HD-DVD encryption key in them. Some of the stories were extremely funny titled “Key Fun lawlzwtfbbq” and “Today’s Lottery Numbers”.

The whole thing started when Digg removed a story that hit the front page that was a legit story about the HD-DVD encryption key. I guess Digg did not want to get into any legal trouble so they took the story down. Because Digg is user-based and users thought that the story was unrightfully taken down they starting submitting tons of stories with the HD-DVD encryption key in it. Every story on the font page as well as the first 5-6 pages were stories with the HD-DVD encryption key in them. This was really funny to see, there was even a Myspace Profile and a Facebook group with over 5,000 members!

Finally Digg was taken down and the front page is still down, but you can still easily submit stories or check out stories. I’m sure Digg has coded something that will auto-bury stories with the HD-DVD encryption key in them. Digg founded Kevin Rose has posted his thoughts on the whole thing. He obviously knows it was a mistake for them to remove the story. What do you think?