
While writing the review for the HX620 power supply which will be posted in a few days on ThinkComputers I realized why Corsair is so well known and everyone really likes them.  The biggest thing that makes any company a well known company is marketing, and Corsair sure does a good job at it.  If you look for reviews of any Corsair product you will find them.  Corsair sends out a lot of product for review.  This of course costs money but in the end when you are well know any many people’s first choice when it comes to memory it really pays off.  Also when you receive review products from Corsair they come with a reviewer’s guide that has all of the information about the product.  This allows for the review of Corsair’s products to be more informative and clear.  Can you think of any other memory company this is as well known as Corsair?  Now think of how many reviews you see of Corsair memory compared to other memory companies?  You see where im going…I think to be sucessful in any business you have to have a good amount of exposure.